Thursday, September 17, 2009

School is finally here

OK so school started last week. But it wasn't such a good week. Anthony was sick on Monday. I was sick on Tuesday. And Aaron came home sick from school on the first day. Because of all of this and the fact that the camera seems to hate me, I did not get pictures taken. Today was picture day at school and the kids decided to wear what they wore the first day. So here you go.
My camera still doesn't want to work so I used my phone. Let's see. Aaron is now in 6th grade. And Pam is in 2nd.
Today Anthony had a doctor's appointment to check him out before his surgery on Tuesday. He is getting PE tubes put back in and his adenoids taken out. Hopefully this will be the last time he has to get tubes put in.
And in more Anthony news...on Wednesday he gets to go to pre-school!!! He is so happy and so are Jaime and I.

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