I know it has been awhile since I last posted. I have been all over the place.
First off, Jaime and I are announcing the pending arrival of another little Snyder. I am due Dec 8. I am still looking for a doctor so no ultrasound pictures yet.
Pam had tryouts for the Gymnastics team this past Friday. We will let you know as soon as we get the letter in the mail.
I am trying to upload some video from Pam's Gymnastics Show that was a couple of weeks ago. So hopefully I'll have something up before too long.
For those who have not gone to the flickr account recently I've upload a few pictures for Scouts (both Cub and Daisy) and from Emerald City Comic-Con.
Aaron was very happy to meet Jeff Parker. Jeff was very nice and took time to really talk to Aaron. Aaron was thrilled. Click on the picture to see more.