Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 2

James was happier today. He is no longer under the oxygen hood. This means he can finally suck his thumb. When we got down to the hospital we were able to hold him so that made Jaime and I feel a lot better.

It also made big brother very happy. He did get a bit depressed when he realised that he couldn't hold James but he took it well.
The other big news is that James was able to eat for the first time since arriving at Swedish. James now has a tube going through his nose and down to his stomach. Jaime was able to give him his first feeding there, a tiny 2cc of formula.

This is good progress for the little guy. We are still waiting on test results but they should be in tomorrow. So hopefully, we will know a little bit more soon.
To try and keep things normal for the older two, we took Pam to gymnastics and Aaron to basketball tonight.
If you want to see more pictures click on one and it will take you to flickr.

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